Monday, January 19, 2009

Further Explanation of the experiment

This is a bit more on my 'plan' extrapolating from my first post. Normally I eat reasonably, and indulge in such things as cookies and cakes and pizza and scotch sparingly, I also exercise regularly, rarely eat pigs or cows etc. I've don't necessarily count calories but I've done it a bit in the past so I know how much things generally are. I probably eat and behave as would be recommended by "them" whatever that means to you. The self experiment here is to see what level I can take it to if I _never_ indulge or cheat or whatever you want to call it, and combine that with an increase in exercise. Many would consider this inhuman or torture, but I think it will be good fun for me. One thing I don't lack is willpower, If I only knew exactly what to eat for perfect health I would eat it and never deviate. Healthy food taste great anyway, so thats why I rarely give in to something that tastes interesting but either is terrible for me or makes me feel terrible afterwards. Of course the harder part of life here on earth is that we don't have that perfect food algorithm quite yet (work in progress) . So that makes it a little harder to know, but me and millions of others are trying to figure it out.

If I was being chased by rabid gorillas on the African plains all day, that cheesy bacon gordita crunch might be just what I need, high starch and saturated fat foods can be part of a healthy diet (well the processed part of that might never be). But my main activities are sitting infront of the computer, sitting infront of a book and sitting infront of a professor. So I don't need any fat reserves beyond the essential, and that kind of food isn't going to be doing me any good at this time.

I hate the word rules, but their is somewhat of a blacklist to my meal plan, and like I said these foods can be eated enjoyed and healthy but they are not part of my plan right now.

- no pigs and cows
- no high sat fat / starch combos eg. pizza/pasta
- no candies/pastries/treats/sugar water
- nothing with artificial sweetners
- no alcohol

I wont be taking any pills or vitamins or supplements with the exception of whey protein which I usually take about 75-90g (in three or so doses) per intense weightlifting workout. So basically no gimmicks, not that I don't love gimmicks but the whole deal isn't based on any.

Also for workouts, exercise, fun whateva, I do it all. Running, mountain biking, workout classes, workout tapes, pushups, pullups, weightlifting with freeweights, a few machines. I cover the three primary types, aerobic, callistenics, resistance. People who just lift, or just run are beyond me. I crave all three types at different times depending on the whim of the moment.

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