Sunday, January 18, 2009





Hair today, gone tomorrow. I suppose even tho its 36 hours or so till obama is sworn in, these are my starting pics. I had my cake binge, my scotch binge, and I just had a five guys cheeseburger with bacon, and I even got the root beer soda with all the high fructose corn syrp in it. I really can't think of what other terrible things I can consume before the start of my program, perhaps a lack of imagination on my part.

I shaved my belly which I haddn't done in some time. I did not feel like shaving my chest tonight, but perhaps some day I might have the urge. Shaving the belly is quite easy, the chest is a bit more touble, I def like the look of the shaved belly better, where as the chest I like both the hair and shaved look. Shaving pretty much any other part of the body is far far to much trouble, and If I were to ever try it, id outsource. ( Like I do with my head/neck hair).

1 comment:

BuggaET said...

its so weird the whole hair no hair thing. i guess it just depends on the girl the day. hahaha