Monday, January 26, 2009

6 days in

The exercise part has been overwhelmed by events, and I haven't been able to really do anything to the extreme at the moment, but I'm hoping to rev that up real soon, I've done a vid, a couple runs, and some pull up/ push up stuff, but nothing special yet. The strict no crap diet, I've stuck to really well and I quite like it. Some people need consistency in their lives from one thing or another, and for me its food, I'm happy to know whenever Im eating, I'm eating something good for me.

On friday when it was warm I went for an outdoor run and quite enjoyed it, just 6k or so. It was a fluke day and people where outside grilling, I could smell some braughtwurst cooking and really loved the smell, I imagined myself eating a brautwurst and drinking grey goose + cranberry juice. Tempting stuff. What else was I tempted by... hrmm.. Red Bull Cola, I think I've only had it once and I really wanted to try it again, but its clearly just sugar water regardless of how Naturally flavoured it may be. I couldn't justify it. I imagined creating a list of temptations to give into at certain points, maybe I could do this 'no crap' diet 100 days at a time then have a couple days to just eat mainly crap inbetween. But I guess I won't know what I really want till I've actually gone 90-100 days with no crap.

Its only been 6 days, but I think I've had about 1500 cals on 4 days and maybe 2000 on the other two, on the 1500 cal days I've had about 5 small meals, and on the 2000 cal days I've had 1 big meal and two small ones. I'd like to have two weeks of 1500 cal days but it wasn't practical with all the back and forth driving etc I've been dealing with in the past bit.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The beggining

Today is the beginning. Otherwise uneventful, I ate 1500 calories, most of it nuts and granola bars, I really need to hit the grocer. Did kenpo cardio plus from p90x+ with the gf, and she did better with it than I did :P Otherwise just sat around watched obama stuff and worked.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Further Explanation of the experiment

This is a bit more on my 'plan' extrapolating from my first post. Normally I eat reasonably, and indulge in such things as cookies and cakes and pizza and scotch sparingly, I also exercise regularly, rarely eat pigs or cows etc. I've don't necessarily count calories but I've done it a bit in the past so I know how much things generally are. I probably eat and behave as would be recommended by "them" whatever that means to you. The self experiment here is to see what level I can take it to if I _never_ indulge or cheat or whatever you want to call it, and combine that with an increase in exercise. Many would consider this inhuman or torture, but I think it will be good fun for me. One thing I don't lack is willpower, If I only knew exactly what to eat for perfect health I would eat it and never deviate. Healthy food taste great anyway, so thats why I rarely give in to something that tastes interesting but either is terrible for me or makes me feel terrible afterwards. Of course the harder part of life here on earth is that we don't have that perfect food algorithm quite yet (work in progress) . So that makes it a little harder to know, but me and millions of others are trying to figure it out.

If I was being chased by rabid gorillas on the African plains all day, that cheesy bacon gordita crunch might be just what I need, high starch and saturated fat foods can be part of a healthy diet (well the processed part of that might never be). But my main activities are sitting infront of the computer, sitting infront of a book and sitting infront of a professor. So I don't need any fat reserves beyond the essential, and that kind of food isn't going to be doing me any good at this time.

I hate the word rules, but their is somewhat of a blacklist to my meal plan, and like I said these foods can be eated enjoyed and healthy but they are not part of my plan right now.

- no pigs and cows
- no high sat fat / starch combos eg. pizza/pasta
- no candies/pastries/treats/sugar water
- nothing with artificial sweetners
- no alcohol

I wont be taking any pills or vitamins or supplements with the exception of whey protein which I usually take about 75-90g (in three or so doses) per intense weightlifting workout. So basically no gimmicks, not that I don't love gimmicks but the whole deal isn't based on any.

Also for workouts, exercise, fun whateva, I do it all. Running, mountain biking, workout classes, workout tapes, pushups, pullups, weightlifting with freeweights, a few machines. I cover the three primary types, aerobic, callistenics, resistance. People who just lift, or just run are beyond me. I crave all three types at different times depending on the whim of the moment.

The Last Supper

The Last Supper
Originally uploaded by rawdod
The final terrible for me food. I tried to eat the worst stuff imaginable. (That I might enjoy the taste of) The cheesy bacon gordita crunch pretty much rocked for that. Its got two layers of starch with a layer of bacon in between and the middle is cheese and processed beef. I finished off that and another similar thing I forget the name of and the "loaded" nachos, and washed it all down with high fructose corn syrup. Oh yeah. I really never eat beef but I felt like with this and the five guys burger from yesterday that I literally had alot of fat in my blood. My friends call this feeling "the meatsweats" . I completed this last supper about 3:30 or so, and I could not get off the couch until I think 5:30 or so. I tried to get up earlier but I moved a few inches forward and then decided to just lay down for a while.

A token workout

So the gf wanted to goto the gym today and I went along, I had only made it one other time this year for a quick run on a -7c day. I did a 1 mile run at 10kph, 15 minutes on the bike at an easy speed, and about 20 or so reps on 7 or so machines. I barely broke a sweat but I did feel a little beat for what I would normally call a token work out. I felt like the workout was in some way painfull where as normally the entire process is energising, renewing and euphoric. I've been around this block many times before so I know this, but its wierd to experience it again. I couldn't imagine ever going more than a month without a proper routine, it would be such a ruiness experience. Time to run for the border.

Sunday, January 18, 2009





Hair today, gone tomorrow. I suppose even tho its 36 hours or so till obama is sworn in, these are my starting pics. I had my cake binge, my scotch binge, and I just had a five guys cheeseburger with bacon, and I even got the root beer soda with all the high fructose corn syrp in it. I really can't think of what other terrible things I can consume before the start of my program, perhaps a lack of imagination on my part.

I shaved my belly which I haddn't done in some time. I did not feel like shaving my chest tonight, but perhaps some day I might have the urge. Shaving the belly is quite easy, the chest is a bit more touble, I def like the look of the shaved belly better, where as the chest I like both the hair and shaved look. Shaving pretty much any other part of the body is far far to much trouble, and If I were to ever try it, id outsource. ( Like I do with my head/neck hair).

Friday, January 16, 2009


Originally uploaded by rawdod
Oh whisky!!!!

I really don't care for alcohol overall, but for some reason this johnny black label, oh I love you!!!

Tick Tick Tick

90 hours to so until bush is gone and quit drinking scotch ha ha ha

Today I weigh 74.3 kg. I expect I could drop 5-6kg if I only went for cardio, but I'd honestly be shocked if I ever dropped under 70kg, Id expect a sustained drop of no more than 3kg, and then it creeping back up as I pack on more muscle tissue. Well see.

Todays fitness activities: nothing.

Here is my numbers from September:

Sept 17, 2008

Weight: 78.2kg
Arms: 34cm
Calves: 40cm
Forearms: 29cm
Thighs: 55cm
Waist: 88cm
Chest: 94cm

Cake for breakfast

ahh so... when I woke up today and went downstairs, I saw the last bit o that cake, prolly about an average size peice left there. I HAD to finish that cake, I mean thats the last sweet treat for atleast 90 days?? I'm going to have some kind of cake scurvy!! ... Cake complete.

So yeah, thats how I start my Health and Fitness blog, cake for breakfast!!

alas... I have other demons to face before the inaguration...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jan 15, 2009

Jan 15, 2009
Originally uploaded by rawdod
Every good diet program always beggins with a binge of some sort. Here I am trying to shove down an entire cake.

ps. I'm fucking joking

I did try to eat alot of this cake, but I prolly only got down what would be considered a large peice, the appearance of the cake was just that todays my gf's birthday and he co workers got her this cake. Even tho its 5 days before the start of my experiement ill consider this my last sweet treat. Her bday party celebration is this weekend so I fully look forward to some final good indulgences of alcohol and food. Binge and purge baby!!!

ps. I don't actually endorse binge purge.

Jan 15, 2009

Jan 15, 2009
Originally uploaded by rawdod
Ok this is how I look on Jan 15, 2009, 5 days until the start of my " the experiment"

Oh and I also wanted to say, that December 20th to now was probably the most sedantary perioid of time I've had in the last year or more.

Oh and my gf thinks I look gay in this picture

October 3rd, 2008

October 3rd, 2008
Originally uploaded by rawdod
Ok This is what I looked like on October 3rd, 2008

Introduction to this blog

I'm going to try to eat and exercise as I would in nearly my most idealistic envisioning. In my normal day to day life in the past few years I'd say I reach my ideal on a third of days and do ok on the rest. The point of this blog is to see what happens if I try to hold it together and do a string of at least 90 days. I'm not doing P90X but I do have the disks and might use it somewhat as well. What does 90 days even mean? It just means I'm going to be as disiplined as possible for that long, and then revaluate. Maybe life would be better if I never ate pizza, cake or drank beer, rather than sparingly like I do now, I don't think I've quit these petty indulgences for that long in a row. Like that head bitch on the work out show "Sugar is the Devil"

One of the reason's I say nearly is, I have the same limitation that most everyone has, I goto school and work, and I don't have a personal chef, so I prolly wont be having fish sandwiches for breakfast, and I can't just workout all day and do nothing else, or eat so little calories that I can't think strait just to get down to 3% bodyfat. That said the hardest thing is really going to be that its winter here, and cold as fuck, so I have to exercise inside or at the gym. Its -7C outside right now, so running or biking is simply not going to be happening until atleast near the end of the 90 day experiement.

I'm not going to pretend anyone gives a flying fuck, this blog is mainly just for me to keep track of myself. I'm going to try and take a body pic once per week , that should be a fun slideshow at the end of the experiement and beyond. I might or might not post what I ate or did for exercise that day. Oh and since everyone is smoking so much hope these days, I'm going to officially start this deal on Obama's inaguaration day, tuesday the 20th of Jan 2009, it will amuse me greatly if on tv or print news they talk about his X day in office and its my X day of this experiement.