Friday, April 10, 2009

80 Days In

80 Days In today. Well the 'experiment' is pretty much over. I think I'll continue with eating almost zero junk food and red meat indefinitely. I'll prolly have some, once in a blue moon, but I doubt it will ever factor in my diet overall. I'll prolly have a drink whenever I damn well feel like it, but its once or twice a month max anyway.

Originally uploaded by rawdod
The back

Originally uploaded by rawdod

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Measurable Change

Today is April 2, 2009

Sept 17, 2008 / April 2, 2009 - 197 Days

Weight: 78.2kg / 73.6kg - 6% drop
Arms: 34cm / 34cm - Same
Calves: 40cm / 39cm - Same
Forearms: 29cm / 29cm - Same
Thighs: 55cm / 53cm - 2cm less
Waist: 88cm / 84cm - 4cm less
Chest: 94cm / 95cm - 1 cm more

It's been 72 days since I started my stricter diet, no treats or alcohol. Since then I've only dropped about 600 grams. ( A little over a pound for you statute twits). I've almost certainly gained some kilos of muscle and dropped some kilos of fat, but I don't have the tools to get any kind of acurate number. I can only guess 'a couple' I do not know what my bodyfat percentage is. I anticipated running alot more than I have so far, but after 5k on a treatmill I'm feeling good but bored to tears. And everyday thats been good enough, I go out for a run as well. Looks like the weather is just about done sucking ass so I'll be able to do alot more outside running, and since I have a car that doesn't suck I can go mtb as well.

Diet has been 2000cals per day for 6-8 days then a 2500-2800cal day. I'm really happy with my progress. Consistency over time ftw.