Sunday, March 22, 2009

Allmost the perfect runner

Or atleast collection of running shwag on one man. I however forgot to where my GPS watch for this photo op. I'll have to do another later. In these photo I have: RX sunglasses, belt that carries water and other items like a key, klenex or possibly a joint. Running underwear, boxer briefs essentially with a slick surface. Running short shorts. and my five fingers. Besides the missing watch the only other thing I could add might be a music player, but I don't listen to music when I run, I'd hit a tree. I just think about shit. Big shit, I might just be a few runs away from saving the world with my big ideas.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mid diet crisis

Actually there is no crisis at all but I had to have some kind of title. 60 days in I'd say its going real well. I think the no treats thing works well for me, and I've been eating about 2000 cals a day about 6 days a week and maybe 2500 once per week. And also no alcohol. However I plan on screwing this up around day 90 or so because I'm going to a wedding and it would be obnoxious not to eat cake and get drunk. Besides that though I get the feeling I'd keep the style of eating the same indefinitely. I never really crave any junk. Besides maybe diet soda. I do sometimes want a beer or whiskey but never for to long. I've been in a bottle before and I'll prolly get in some more soon enough anyway. Never crave red meat either. Been cooking salmon and chicken alot more now and enjoying that. I've been getting into a routine with eating that I like. Good food, and very economical. Breakfast will have a bannana, and oatmeal, and somedays also a protein shake. ( 1 scoop). I eat the bannana and drink a glass of water as I wait for the water to boil for the oatmeal. Its pretty much always worth the wait to have warm food i've found. I've tried to pretty much quit cold cerial. At some point in the day I will have a fiber one bar (30 for 8$) and a yogurt (about 50c) (maybe ill even mix some ground flax seed in for the ultimate jive and tasty healthy treat) . at the gym in my bottle I got 95% water and 5% fruit juice. Just enough flavor. Most days I will cook some fish or chicken at some point in the day. Sometimes scrambled eggs with random spices. A few large spoonfuls of 2% cottage cheese I get for about 5$ per 1.3kg before sleeping. V8 juice when disired. I got some wraps I can put either field greens/romaine in, sometimes egg or chicken. If you get the right wraps you can do really well, I've found some that have 9g protien, 20 carbs, 6 fiber, total 100cals and they taste great. yadda yadda

A second thought on pictures

I have diligently done (some might say narcissistically done) progress type pix every while for 60 days now. But its been a little ghetto with the bad lighting, and me not really knowing or doing a very consistent type of pose. Maybe I'll move to the laundry room with better lighting and try to be more consistant maybe not.

60 Days In

I weighed 74kg the other day so I'm a whole 300 grams lighter than the day I started! ha! I do feel I have gained some muscle and lost some fat overall tho, but I couldn't say how much, I can just tell. Bodybuilder wise the main things I'm trying to improve right now is pecs and traps, I think both are tiny in comparison to my arms, I've been doing some different exercises to focus on that and its feeling good so far. These pictures come out really crappy due to bad lighting but wheteva. I said I'd take em I'm hopping there will be something to make a 100 day progress image or animation or something. Well see.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

50 Days In

Well its been 50 days on the no cupcake diet. I'm half way though. My weight is 75kg, almost exactly the same as the day I started!! ha ha ha, I Guess thats good, I'm thinking I lost fat and gained muscle. Only way to really know is by pic.. I need to get a spot with better lighting though, because all these look kinda wacked.