Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Well I haven't posted in a week or so, so my two readers might be dying to hear whats going on. The ideal exercise part of the plan has been a complete non-starter. Since its winter and my car broke down I haven't been able to take anything to the extreme. I've done some p90x vids though, and p90x+ interval+ whipped me. I think I did it in maybe 5 sections. I'll be able to ramp that up soon enough.

Anyway tho, the no crap diet is going along almost perfectly. I've only done one sin which is a diet energy drink and a couple diet cokes. The eliminating artificial sweetner part of the plan I think is good, but I just had to give in. I normally drink coffee until my stomache is completely full of it, but sometimes I get tired of drinking it and then I just drink entire two litre bottles of pepsi max, and uhm.. Its just not good, to much acid. Thats the main problem with diet soda, I feel like I almost crave the acidity of it more than anything else about it. Then I also know, whenever I consume artificial sweetner without caffeine in it, I get a headache. (like sugar free gum) Thats the whole body expects glucose but gets none effect. ( I am not a headachey type of person, and that and alcohol are easily 99% of any headaches I might get, which is hardly any) (also interweb posting caveat, I don't have any specific proof or studies to point to for that effect, I've seen some, and I've seen some seemingly refuting, but thats my personal experience of it, if your interested google 'artificial sweetners weight gain' to begin your studies)

Otherwise though, I have had no cow/pigs/pizza/cake/alcohol etc and I've had zero problem with that. Sometimes though things are right on the line between healthy and treatish. And certainly many things are healthy treats. I went through a box of generic frosted mini wheats, and I think due to the frosting part I'm going to take that out of the diet. It just adds to much sugar. I've had a couple oatmeal cookies, and I dunno, it has the word cookie in it and some are really good. I think I'll keep the option of eating those because they can be so good. I've been eating between 1500-2200 cals per day, but again non of it being crap.

I've been weighing 75kg. BTW, just to note this here, if your trying to get anything at all usefull out of weighing yourself you need to do it second thing in the morning, right after your morning pee pee. And before you drink anything, and do it in your skivvies. If you always do it then you might get something usefull out of tracking the number.

I was thinking of renaming the 'no crap' diet to the 'zero cupcake' diet. Yeah, sounds good to me, I think that will be the new tenative name until I think of a better one.

'More interesting' posts later.